No one prepared you for being your spouse’s voice, advocate, and caregiver—while still trying to be their partner.
You’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and wondering: Is there any way to make this easier?
You don’t just need advice. You need real solutions—ones that work in real life.
At LIFE Aphasia Academy®, we know that being a care partner isn’t just hard—it can feel isolating, relentless, and overwhelming.
That’s why we don’t just offer advice. We provide a step-by-step path to make caregiving easier, rebuild connection with your loved one, and help you feel like yourself again. Led by stroke and aphasia specialist Genevieve Richardson, we specialize in simple, actionable strategies that take the guesswork out of caregiving—so you can move forward with confidence.
Start Small & Feel More in Control
Begin with our free 5-day email course to gain control over caregiving—one small step at a time.
A Step-by-Step Plan You Can Use Today
How To Help—the book & online workshop—walks you through the exact steps to make life easier as a care partner.
You Shouldn’t Have to Do This Alone
Join our private care partner membership where you’ll get expert guidance, community, and real answers.
"This book is the real deal! There are so many tips on how to make sure your loved one with aphasia (or other communication disorder) is fully included in family and holiday gatherings. Easy, quick tips that make a big difference!"
Dee, Spouse
"After my wife’s stroke, it was like I was losing her. She’d sit there, quiet, barely engaging with me or the kids. I was worried that this was it. But then we started working on communication—really working on it. Now she’s talking with us again, asking questions, even sharing jokes. It’s not perfect, but it’s real progress, and for the first time, I feel like I have my wife back."
DM, Spouse
"How can I begin to put in words what my time with Genevieve means to me. She gives me hope and positive goals to get me where I want be. Her positivity lifts me up when I get down on myself. With Aphasia this comes comes up out of the blue. If you are looking for a pathologist I can’t recommend a better specialist."
JL, Aphasian
Start Small & Feel More in Control
Begin with our free 5-day email course to gain control over caregiving—one small step at a time.
A Step-by-Step Plan You Can Use Today
How To Help—the book & online workshop—walks you through the exact steps to make life easier as a care partner.
You Shouldn’t Have to Do This Alone
Join our private care partner membership where you’ll get expert guidance, community, and real answers.
with aphasia
My SPOUSE is living
with aphasia
SOMEONE I KNOW is living
with aphasia
I'm here to LEARN more about aphasia in general